Choosing Between Eyeglasses And Contacts Choosing Between Eyeglasses And Contacts

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Choosing Between Eyeglasses And Contacts

Hello, my name is Sandy. I am here to talk to you about making the choice between contacts and eyeglasses. Each of these corrective lens options gives you the ability to see clearly once again. There are pros and cons you need to consider about each before selecting one as your main source of vision correction. My site will explore choosing the best frames, lens types and care techniques you can use to keep your eyeglasses or contacts in great shape over the years. Please feel free to visit my site anytime to learn all you can about contacts, eyeglasses and other optical goods.

Understanding The Issue of Floaters in The Visual Field

If you notice spots or dots that seem to float around in your visual field, then it may be time to speak with your eye doctor about this issue. The professional will perform tests to figure out what is causing the visual disturbance. To learn more about the problem, tests, and possible treatments, keep reading.

What Are Floaters?

Floaters often appear as translucent or dark spots with non-distinct edges that float in and out of the visual field. They are sometimes described as cobwebs or flecks, and you will be unable to focus on these spots if you try to direct your vision toward them. Floaters have a wide variety of causes and some are even caused by a harmless buildup of foreign material or a bit of blood within the vitreous humor. The vitreous humor is the gel-like fluid that sits on your eyeball, and any and all foreign materials will dissipate in time.

However, sometimes the spots can indicate that there is a more serious issue going on. The retina, which is made up of a thin layer of tissue within the eye, may be starting to come loose and this creates shadows that appear as floaters in the visual field. Other times, the issue may be caused by the shrinking and hardening of the vitreous humor, which can cause strings or strands to form.

Eye inflammation, as well as more pronounced bleeding, can cause problems too and so can the formation of bubbles in the eye after a surgical procedure.

What Will Your Eye Doctor Do?

Before your eye doctor does anything, he or she will complete a variety of tests to help locate the cause of the problem. The pupils will be dilated so the professional can get a good look at your retina, optic nerve, and the eye lens. Also, eye pressure will be tested and the vitreous humor examined for signs of blood or another buildup. If the fluid is thick, then the eye doctor may look to see if shrinkage is an issue and whether or not this is causing threading or retinal disruption.

Depending on the underlying cause, the eye doctor may choose to do nothing or to treat the problem. If the vitreous humor is thick, then it may be removed and replaced with a far less viscous fluid. If the retina is detaching, then it may be treated with a laser to help reattach it. Lasers may be used as well to stop bleeding issues. 

If pressure is a problem, then you may need to start taking medications that reduce this issue. This is common in cases where glaucoma has started to develop.