Choosing Between Eyeglasses And Contacts Choosing Between Eyeglasses And Contacts

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Choosing Between Eyeglasses And Contacts

Hello, my name is Sandy. I am here to talk to you about making the choice between contacts and eyeglasses. Each of these corrective lens options gives you the ability to see clearly once again. There are pros and cons you need to consider about each before selecting one as your main source of vision correction. My site will explore choosing the best frames, lens types and care techniques you can use to keep your eyeglasses or contacts in great shape over the years. Please feel free to visit my site anytime to learn all you can about contacts, eyeglasses and other optical goods.

Blue Light: Its Effects And How They Can Be Avoided

Nowadays, many people use their electronic devices for hours on end. Most people have cell phones and computers, and they use them daily. Prolonged time in front of a digital screen can cause eye issues because of blue light exposure. Here is some information about blue light, the effects of this exposure, and how associated eye problems can be avoided:

Blue Light

Many people realize that ultraviolet light is damaging to the eyes. However, they may not realize that blue light reaches more deeply into the eye than ultraviolet light. As ultraviolet light negatively affects the front of the eye, blue light impacts the back of the eye.

Although some blue light is naturally emitted by the environment, it is also released by common electronic devices, such as televisions, computers, and smartphones. It is associated with retinal damage as retinal cell death occurs from exposure to this light. 

LED lights contain about 35 percent of blue light that is harmful to the eyes. Likewise, CFLs contain about 25 percent of damaging blue light.

Eye Problems 

Blue light causes eye strain, redness, and dry eyes. The eye damage accumulates over time to lead to chronic eye conditions. Lengthy exposure to blue light may increase your chance of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. 

The eye strain is further exacerbated, because the distance between many digital blue light sources and your eyes is considered mid-range. Your eyes are often more accustomed to viewing objects that are up close or far away. 

Blue Light Protection

To protect the eyes from blue light, you should wear computer glasses that block the effects of damaging blue light. When you visit your eye doctor and select glasses, be sure to advise the doctor of the amount of time that you regularly spend in front of a computer. He or she can prescribe blue light lenses suitable for your prescription and regular activities.

Additional Steps Your Eye Doctor May Suggest for Blue Light Protection

In addition to donning protective lenses, your doctor may advise you to avoid spending uninterrupted time in front of a digital screen. Take eye breaks every few minutes by looking at objects far away to help reduce eye strain. 

Also, adjust the font and screen resolution to comfortably maximize the distance at which you hold your digital devices. 

To learn more ways to protect your eyes from blue light damage, consult with an optometrist in your area.