Choosing Between Eyeglasses And Contacts Choosing Between Eyeglasses And Contacts

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Choosing Between Eyeglasses And Contacts

Hello, my name is Sandy. I am here to talk to you about making the choice between contacts and eyeglasses. Each of these corrective lens options gives you the ability to see clearly once again. There are pros and cons you need to consider about each before selecting one as your main source of vision correction. My site will explore choosing the best frames, lens types and care techniques you can use to keep your eyeglasses or contacts in great shape over the years. Please feel free to visit my site anytime to learn all you can about contacts, eyeglasses and other optical goods.

Blepharitis: What It Is And How To Treat It

Do you often have crusty patches on your eyelids, or do your eyelids feel itchy or painful a lot of the time? If so, you might be suffering from a condition known as blepharitis. It can be caused by a number of things, and a visit to an eye doctor can help. Here are three things you should understand about blepharitis.

What causes it?

Blepharitis is basically inflammation found on the eyelids. You may have it around one eye or both, and it can be caused by:

  • Allergies and colds
  • Allergic reactions to products you use
  • Bacterial infections in your eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Rosacea

If your eyelids feel itchy, burning, irritated, and sore, and if they are peeling or crusty, you may have blepharitis.

How do doctors diagnose it?

Eye doctors can typically diagnose the condition simply by looking at your eyelids. Blepharitis is usually fairly obvious; however, it can be misdiagnosed as pinkeye in some cases. If your symptoms are really bad, the eye doctor might take a culture sample from any discharge coming from your eyes. The doctor can send this to the lab to make sure you do not have anything more serious than blepharitis.

Blepharitis is not usually a condition you should worry about. It is quite normal, and it usually does not require any major type of treatment.

How is it treated?

If the eye doctor believes that an eye infection is causing the blepharitis, he or she might prescribe antibiotic eye drops for you to use. If the blepharitis is caused by seasonal allergies, dry eyes, or any other type of minor health issue, your doctor might suggest:

  • Using artificial tears each day – These will keep your eyes moist, and this may help prevent flareups from occurring.
  • Applying warm compresses to your eyes – If your eyes keep getting crusty, using warm compresses on your eyes can help loosen the crusty patches. This will also provide relief to your eyes if they are sore or aching.
  • Avoiding makeup and other facial products – Your doctor might also suggest to avoid placing any products on or near your eyes for a few weeks.

If you try these steps and continue having problems with blepharitis, you may want to visit your eye doctor once again. Eye doctors can help diagnose and treat all types of eye problems, and visiting an eye doctor regularly is a great way to keep your eyes as healthy as possible. Learn more about this topic from resources available online.